Weight Management

Underweight, Overweight, and Obesity

The terms underweight, overweight, and obese as noted in Nutrition: Concepts and Controversies (Sizer & Whitney, 2013) can be defined as follows:
  • Underweight:  When body weight in relation to height is below a healthy body weight and BMI in <18.5 (p. 335).
  • Overweight:  When body weight in relation to height is above a healthy body weight and BMI is between 25 and 29.9 (p. 335).
  • Obese:  When body weight in relation to height is excessively above a healthy body weight and BMI is 30 or greater (p. 335).                                              
There are health risks to being underweight as well as being overweight.  It is mentioned in Health Guidance (2014) that being underweight affects a persons energy level therefore affecting the immune system, mood (lethargic and depressed), malnourished, appearance, and fertility (para. 5-10).  Underweight people are also at risk of heart disease and malnutrition since their bodies are calorie deficient and cannot function properly.

Most people are overweight or obese due to increased caloric intake.  Sizer & Whitney (2013) note that health risks are determined by BMI, waist circumference, and disease risk profile.  Based on these three indicators the risk factors for Type 2 diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular disease increases as each of these three indicators increase such as is associated with overweight and obesity (pp. 337-338).

 Preventive measures which can be taken to prevent underweight and overweight issues in our society as noted by Sizer & Whitney (2013) involve several steps such as becoming aware of amount of calories needed daily based our weight, portion control or increase (for underweight people), meal spacing, proper food choices, eliminating empty calories such as sweets, and exercise (pp.360-365).  Three actions noted by Sizer & Whitney (2013) have been found to be successful in producing positive results:

  • Eating patterns: 
    • Underweight - Increase calorie intake with healthy calories such as tuna in oil, chocolate milk or nut butters.  Eat often throughout the day and increase portion size.
    • Overweight - Reduce calorie intake and eliminate high calorie foods such as pizza, ice cream or chocolate candies.  Eat smaller portions and keep meal times consistent.  Eat at the table and not in front of the television.  Avoid or pay close attention to snacking.  Do not skip meals especially breakfast. Lower BMI values have been found with people who do not skip breakfast (pp. 360-365).
  • Physical activity: 
    • Underweight - Resistance activities are best for building muscle which increases body mass.  Start slowly and gradually increase activities to prevent injury.
    • Overweight - A combination of aerobic exercise and strength training is best for losing weight. Make sure to not increase calorie intake or weight will not be lost (pp. 364-365).
  • Behavior modification: 
    • Underweight  and Overweight - Positive thinking and replacing bad habits with good habits is the key to behavior modification since it requires a person to change behavior and thought processes.  The following have been found useful in changing behavior:
      • Stop eating when not hungry, eliminate bad eating habits and control portions.  For underweight people eat more often, do not skip meals, snack, and increase portions.
      • Learn to resist the urge to snack. Use smaller plates and control portions. Underweight people need to avoid going long periods without eating and use larger plates when eating.
      • Reinforce positive eating habits and activities. Remove any unhealthy foods and snacks from household.  Eat appropriate portions and plan snacks.  Keep exercise equipment handy.
      • Eat slower and with positive company.  Join people who tend to be active.
      • Ask for people not to criticize or make negative comments.  It is alright if you have a bad day where you did not keep up with diet plans.
      • Treat yourself to a massage or activities that do not involve food (underweight people can go to food activities), learn to relax and avoid stress (pp.370-371).
Following these tips will have a positive outcome whether your goal is to lose or gain weight.  Be patient because it will take time to reach your goals.  Small and slow progress is the best and will tend to be more permanent.


 HealthGuidance. (2014). Why is Being Underweight Bad?  Retrieved from http://www.healthyguidance.org/entry/14633/1/Why-Is-Being-Underweight-Bad.htr

Sizer, F. & Whitney, E. (2013). Nutrition: Concepts & Controversies (13 ed.). Mason, OH: Cengage Learning.

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